Natasha had an amazing time this morning talking to the year 1 children of Avanti Court Primary School about charity, poverty and the work we do. Such smart 6 year olds!!
''Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one" - Malcolm Forbes. Here are a couple of snaps from this morning. The 6 year old children Natasha spoke to were so smart and intuitive, some of them were ready to give their own money, food and clothes to support our less fortunate children at Cornerstone Children's Home Project. Truly amazing.
A massive thank you to the year 1 students at Avanti Court Primary School for raising £155 to support the work we do! And of course thank you to the teachers and support staff for encouraging their students to understand the concept of giving at such a young age!
Thank you Bhavisha Vaghela for the opportunity; we're looking forward to their cards and letters for our children in India.