
Victor is five years old. During this formative time in his life, he needs a safe, healthy learning environment in which to thrive. Sadly, his mother died during childbirth, and his father is an elderly street merchant who has to travel away from home for most of the week. This has meant leaving Victor alone for several days at a time in the family home – a small shed on the side of the road – with only local townsfolk to provide him with food and shelter.

Now, however, Victor’s prospects are looking up. His father has decided to send him to Cornerstone Children’s Home, where volunteers can provide him with all the counselling, education, and affection that a child needs to flourish and do their best in life. Meanwhile, Big Hug Foundation is working closely with Cornerstone Trust to help Victor’s father improve his own situation, and with your continued help, generosity and support, we can do the same for other families and children in India. 

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